Recent additions to the archives of the Boissevain family are included in Accession no. 394. The inventory of Archive 394 is a comprehensive introduction describing the history of the family.
• The numbers behind the creators refer to the corresponding inventory part or inventory number. Clicking on the number in this link opens the inventory component or number.
◦ Boissevain, AAH (1843-1921): 9
◦ Boissevain, ACH (1864-1929): 11
◦ Boissevain, AF (Freddy, 1903-1929): 25
◦ Boissevain, C. (Charles, 1842-1927): 8
◦ Boissevain, CAA (Caroline Auguste Antoinette, 1868-1945) Clercq, GS (Gideon Stephanus, 1862-1942): 13
◦ Boissevain, CF (Charles François, 1921 -...) Baekers, GBHM (Ghislaine, 1924 -...): 29
◦ Boissevain, CUE (Catherine, 1922-2004): 32
◦ Boissevain, D. (Daniel, 1772-1834): 2
◦ Boissevain, D. (Daniel, 1804-1878) Mollet, CL (Caroline Louise, 1811-1894): 5
◦ Boissevain, D. (Daniel, 1939 -...): 34
◦ Boissevain, DW (Daniel William, 1892-1984): 20
◦ Boissevain, DG (Daniel Gideon, 1867-1940): 12
◦ Boissevain, DLG (Daniel Louis Gideon, 1909 -...): 27
◦ Boissevain, EJSG (Youk 1903-1979): 24
◦ Boissevain, family
◦ Boissevain, GCJ (Gideon Christian Johannes, 1902-1968): 23
◦ Boissevain, GL (Gideon Louis, 1870-1924) Magee, HA (Helen Arabella, 1872-1924): 16
◦ Boissevain, GM (Gideon Mary, 1837-1925) Laer, LC to (Louise Caroline, 1837-1915): 7
◦ Boissevain, GW (Gideon William, 1921-1943): 30
◦ Boissevain, HJE (Henri Jean Etienne, 1835-1894): 47 (1935)
◦ Boissevain, JW (John Wilhelm, 1874-1959): 17
◦ Boissevain, MC (Marie Charlotte, 1768-1808): 1
◦ Boissevain, ME (Marguerite (Margot) Elizabeth, 1801-1879): 4
◦ Boissevain, MGJ (Matthijs Gideon Jan, 1870-1941): 15
◦ Boissevain, MGJ (Matthijs Gideon Jan, 1916 -...): 28
◦ Boissevain, R. (René, 1902-1941) Pontoppidan, A. (Agnete, 1909 -...): 26
◦ Boissevain, R. (René 1936 -...): 33
◦ Boissevain, RJG (Rutger Jan Gideon 1870-1945) Wilson, SFFM (Sybille Frederike Franziska Maria, 1875-1949): 14
◦ Boissevain, UP (Ursuline Philippine, 1794-1850): 3
◦ Boissevain, W. (Walrave, 1876-1944): 18
◦ Brugmans, PJG (Petronella Johanna Gerarda, 1838-1905) Boissevain, J. (Jan, 1836-1904): 6
◦ Groot, H. (Hugo, 1922-2010) Boissevain, S. (Sylvia, 1926 -...): 31
◦ Lennep, AM (Mies, 1896-1965) Boissevain, J. (Jan, 1895 to 1945): 22
◦ Modderman, C. (Catherine) Boissevain, WT (Wilhelm Theodor, 1880-1945): 19
◦ Momma, WC (Wilhelmina Carolina, 1859-1921) Boissevain, UP (Ursula Philip, 1855-1930): 10
◦ Testas, CJ (Constance Joanna, 1895-1968) Boissevain, GA (Gustaf Adolph, 1894-1980): 21
Exciting new additions to the Boissevain archive in Amsterdam.